Sunday, February 27, 2011

My First Post...

Well, this is it. I am taking a small step in the hope that more small steps will follow. Ultimately, this is still me in training wheels mode. Being realistic, I plan am aiming for 3 posts a week of moderate substance.... though to be fair, I am the king of brevity, but anything more than 140 characters is an improvement.

If you are still reading this, you most likely follow me on twitter, but I have been commenting here and there for a while, keeping my profile low it would seem. I had a healthy posting history over in the Design forums under Weaverchilde a few years back... I have posted a lot under Weaverchilde so if you see that name its most likely me. Over the course of my posts, nothing really came of it. This is not to say people did not like the idea or they we were bad, it’s more of a lack of follow through on my part. Committing to this blog, whether it’s directly about gaming or not, I want to see more completion on my part. I have some ideas I would love to see turning into something.

As far as who I am… fuck if I know, Here is what I wrote on Facebook back when I used that and Here is my old Livejournal (also dead for some time), maybe someday I will figure myself out. Until then though, I will keep dreaming and playing games.

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